Details streaming issues
Product name:
EUI Version: us_5.0.052S us_5.0.052S
Status: In progressing In progressing
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • LeMe1743063360
    Any game in MLB. Tv to my super4 x55 causes the game to play in slow motion. Every 5 to 10 seconds the video jumps in order for the video to catch up to the audio. I managed to install the mlb.Tv apk file directly to the TV, and encountered the same issue.

    It is not an internet issue, as playing a game on all other devices on the same network work just fine, including plugging in an actual Chromecast. I also have the benefit of having a hardwire Ethernet connection to the TV, which streams Netflix, Etc just fine. Though mlb.Tv is definitely my biggest frustration, in general, I've found that streaming to the TV is usually worse than using a Chromecast, which makes buying an android TV somewhat pointless.

    Are there any firmware updates coming soon for the tv that might improve streaming media to the TV? My firmware is 5.8.050s_1028, which was not listed as an option in the last screen.
    2017-03-05 04:24:16
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