Time popup
Product name:
EUI Version: us_5.0.050S us_5.0.050S
Status: In progressing In progressing
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • Powerdesk222
    I know this happens every 30 minutes while watching video, the time will pop up in the top right corner.

    Suggestion here is to stop the pop up from happening, I don't like it and we don't need it, and others don't like it either, so no more pop ups for the time.

    OK here is a suggestion with the time, I believe someone already mentioned it, no matter how you set it up in settings either set it up through the epg tv guide or through Internet or even manually, somehow the time goes wrong and displays wrong time.

    Another suggestion with the time:

    Okay for 1:00 pm where I am at, the time on the tv says 01:00, that is 100% wrong format for the USA it should say 1:00 pm, never a 0 in front of time, a 0 indicates what we call military time for a 24 hour time clock, USA for civilian which we are since we are not in military uses 12 hour increments one am and one pm, am indicating morning and pm for half day through to night.

    That's it for now, I am sure I will come up with something later, thanks.
    2017-01-12 03:05:33
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