failed appinstallation
Product name: Max3-65 Max3-65
EUI Version: us_5.0.051S us_5.0.051S
Status: Resolved Resolved
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • USKiwi
    Every time TV is turned on the message of failed appinstallation occurs also since installing latest firmware when turning on the TV I have to click right to app menu then left click the back to TV otherwise I just get a blank screen in which I am unable to change input, channel or volume error log has already been send
    below is the error message that others as well as myself get since lastest firmware upgrade and the blank screen that occurs when turning on the TV
    Please provide recovery .BIN file so I can return TV to original factory software and then please provide previous firmware update file so I can update to last stable firmware
    2017-01-02 13:03:05
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