My wifi disconnects after a while of the tv being on.
Product name:
EUI Version: us_5.0.050S us_5.0.050S
Status: In progressing In progressing
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • 001925xxxxx91_943
    So after I use my tv , to watch something on YouTube or Netflix and change to something else , my tv starts to act slow to load videos on. YouTube and Netflix , like abnormally slow, and the only way to fix this issue is turning off the tv completely and turning back on, and gets annoying after a while..
    I want to know a fix to this issue, since I really like the tv I just want that fix.
    Also in the list of the eui version mine wasn't listed.
    I have eui version : 5.8.050s_1028(stable)
    All the ones listed before didn't had the 8 in the middle so idk...
    Any help plz?
    2016-12-22 16:45:33
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