Dead phone
Product name: Le Pro3 Le Pro3
EUI Version: us_5.8.020S us_5.8.020S
Status: In progressing In progressing
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • Druizdaker
    I dont usually use much my phone during the day since i work at a university so i charge my phone every two days. Yesterday i got home with only 8% battery and connected the charger.. A couple minutes later i came back to check my messages and realized the battery was now 6% and i thought it was weird since it charges really fast.. I then realized that i wasnt charging.. I tried flipping the cable, making the connections agains and nothing.. Then i borrowed my wifes charger since she uses the leeco coolpad 1.. Nothing.. I am currently phoneless.. I spent a whole lot of money in both phones and its really unfair since i take care of it like it was my baby boy.. It hasnt gotten any hits, no water, no nothing..

    It is now 7h21 and i tried plugin it in again and it heated a lot in just a phew seconds..

    2017-02-02 20:22:12
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