Need EUI to closer to the Stock Android
Product name: Le S3 Le S3
EUI Version: us_5.8.019S us_5.8.019S
Status: In progressing In progressing
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • id2surf
    Love the phone and hardware functionality. It has the best hardware and feature for the price point but bad EUI skin/launcher (version 5.8.020S) for U.S. market. I know many new users who are not Andriod app experts tends to returns the phone back to store (Best Buy) as they are familar with EUI which is very different from stock Android found in other brand phones. Personally, I have currently installed Google Launcher as my default which is gives stock Android functionality. Please create LE and LeVidi as a separate tv/ video app for your exclusive media feature. This new feature does not blend well with US market and I am still getting use to it as we are very familiar using Youtube app. This will allow LeEco to penetrate US market more effectively compared to other brands. Hope you make this change/updates to EUI soon across your phones and roll out Nougat- latest android release. Thanks for providing your exclusive UP2U feature for bringing these positive feedback to reality.
    2016-12-31 03:45:25
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