The Phone is not opening
Product name: Le 2 Le 2
EUI Version: in_5.8.019S in_5.8.019S
Status: Closed Closed
Probability: systematic 100% systematic 100%
My comments
  • sanyalsukhamoy
    I purchased the phone in January 2017. It functioned very nicely. Accidentally the charging chord was damaged a few day ago. I placed order for a new one in Amazon. Meanwhile, I used to charge the phone with the help of a separate chord and a converter of my relative. The gets heated. One day I charged the phone with the same and kept the phone switched off. The phone got very hot, after cooling down I tried to switch on the phone but all the efforts were in vain. Now if it is fitted with charger for charging purpose, the indicator light blinks thrice and and shuts down.
    What should I do now?
    2017-04-06 00:15:22
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